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Posted on March 23 2022

Which provinces in Canada has more job opportunities in 2022?

By  Editor
Updated September 13 2023

Are you seeking pathways to Canada through its provinces/territories to work in Canada and eventually settle in the country? If yes, then it will be worth it for you to learn which province of Canada offers more job opportunities than any other province in the country. This aspect of Canada immigration and the prospects you will have in the most job-serving province is what we will explore here. To make our exploration most useful, we will try to understand which province offers most of which kind of occupations. First, we will try to understand the most in-demand jobs in 2022 in Canada. These jobs, along with their NOC codes are listed below:

Sector NOC code Job title
IT 2171 Information Systems Analysts
2172 Data Administrators, Database Analysts
2173 Software Engineer
2175 Web Developer, Web Designer, Webmaster
Engineering 0211 Engineering Manager
2131 Civil Engineers
2133 Electrical Engineers
2146 Aerospace Engineer
HR 1121 HR Professionals
0112 HR Managers
1223 Recruitment Officers
Healthcare 3111 Specialist Physicians
3012 Nurse
3113 Dentists
3114 Veterinarian
3131 Pharmacist
3231 Optician
Finance 0111 Financial Managers and Accountants
1111 Accountant
1114 Financial Advisors / Planners / Sales Representative
1431 Accounting Clerk, Income Tax Return Preparer


The highly in demand occupations in Canada pandemic. These are:
·         IT
·         Software & Development
·         Engineering
·         HR
·         Sales & Marketing
·         Healthcare
·         Finance & Accounting
Canadian provinces and jobs they offer most As already said, it’s the labor requirements in Canadian provinces that drive overseas skilled workers to Canada. They migrate to Canadian provinces with the opportunities PNP programs offer them through nominations. Skilled foreign workers also obtain a work visa/permit in these provinces through sponsorship by Canadian employers who need candidates with specific skills to work in Canada for them.

*Know your eligibility to immigrate to Canada, through Y-Axis Canada Immigration Points Calculator. Here let’s check which Canadian province offers jobs in which areas. This will give you a better idea to decide which province is best for you to migrate to in 2022. Saskatchewan The major sectors in Saskatchewan that seek skilled foreign workers include manufacturing, energy, and agriculture. Hospitality and tourism industries have also grown rapidly in this province. Saskatchewan offers more job opportunities in the following occupational categories:

  • Healthcare - Specialist physicians
  • IT - Information analysts
  • Engineering - Electrical engineers

Ontario Ontario is a province that has abundant natural resources as well as a great number of transportation links to North America. These and other factors make manufacturing the principal industry of Ontario. Financial services, as well as IT services, are prominent industrial sectors of the capital city of Toronto. Ontario offers more job opportunities in the following occupational categories:

  • IT – Web Developers and web designers
  • Healthcare – Nurses, nursing aides
  • Management – Marketing and PR professionals

British Columbia The major industries in British Columbia include the services industry, manufacturing, agriculture, and mining. This province attracts new immigrants from all over the world with its characteristics like an enjoyable climate, cultural diversity, and career opportunities. In British Columbia, the following cities offer the largest number of jobs:

  • Victoria
  • Kelowna
  • Abbotsford
  • Lower Mainland, including Surrey, Vancouver, Richmond, and Burnaby

British Columbia offers more job opportunities in the following occupational categories:

  • Construction & Engineering – Civil engineers, electronic engineers, electrical engineers, and mechanical engineers
  • IT - Information systems analysts, interactive media developers, computer programmers, software engineers, designers
  • Business & Administration – Accountants
  • Healthcare - general practitioners, specialist physicians, family physicians, registered nurses, psychiatric nurses, medical sonographers

Alberta Alberta’s major industrial sectors include finance, construction, real estate, and healthcare. Alberta offers more job opportunities in the following occupational categories: Healthcare – Nurses, physicians, specialists Manitoba In Manitoba, the major industries include manufacturing, tourism, agriculture, and mining. Manitoba offers more job opportunities in the following occupational categories:

  • HR – Human resource professionals, Marketing and PR professionals
  • Engineering – Civil engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical & electronics engineers, industrial and manufacturing engineers, computer engineers, architects
  • IT - Information systems analysts and consultants, database analysts, data administrators, computer programmers & interactive media developers, web designers, web developers
  • Healthcare - Pharmacists, dietitians, nutritionists, physiotherapists, psychologists

Quebec This primarily French-speaking Canadian province’s major industries include manufacturing, services, agriculture, and mining. The cities in Quebec that offer the most jobs are Sherbrooke, Gatineau, Quebec City, and Montreal. Quebec offers more job opportunities in the following occupational categories:

  • IT – Computer engineers, software engineers, computer programmers, interactive media developers, web developers, web designers
  • Healthcare – Physiotherapists, registered nurses, dentists, vets

Currently, the Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Quebec, and Saskatchewan are the best locations for those arriving to work in Canada. The western part of Canada is the region that offers more jobs to migrants than any other region of Canada. The fact is that immigrants living in the aforesaid provinces register a higher success rate in employment than those residing in provinces including Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver. If you are willing to work in Canada, talk to Y-Axis, the leading immigration and career consultant in the UAE. If you found this blog engaging, you may also like: Positive job stats in recent times make Canada immigration even more ideal


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