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Posted on May 25 2024

NSW application refused? Check out these top 5 reasons before applying for Australia EOI

By  Editor
Updated May 25 2024

Highlights: 5 reasons why your NSW Visa application is getting rejected

The NSW or New South Wales visa is a points-based skilled workers visa that allows employees to migrate to Australia and work in the New South Wales region. You must apply for an Australia EOI or Expression of Interest to get the NSW or Subclass 190 visa. 

Your NSW visa application may get rejected if you're making the following mistakes:

  1. Modifying the EOI after receiving the Invitation: Once you receive the Invitation to Apply, keep your EOI for NSW unchanged. Updating the EOI post-invitation may lead to the rejection of your application.
  2. Not adhering to Residency Requisites: The Australian NSW Visa program is very strict with its residency requirements. Applications will only be accepted if you meet the following criteria.


*Want to check your eligibility to Australia? Try the Y-Axis Australia Immigration points calculator for FREE to get an instant score. 


Applicants inside Australia

  1. Subclass 190 or Skilled Nominated Visa:  To apply under this category, you must be a resident of New South Wales or have been a resident for at least 6 months.
  2. Subclass 491 or Skilled Work Regional Visa: To apply under this category, you must be a resident of New South Wales or have been a resident for at least 3 months.


*Want to work in Australia? Let Y-Axis assist you with the steps. 


Applicants outside Australia

  1. Subclass 190 or Skilled Nominated Visa:  To apply under this category, you must be an offshore resident at present or have been residing offshore for at least 6 months.
  2. Subclass 491 or Skilled Work Regional Visa: To apply under this category, you must be an offshore resident at present or have been residing offshore for at least 3 months.
  3. Claiming points on the Outcome Letter:  Your NSW visa application will be refused if you claim points beyond the skilled date mentioned on the outcome letter. The details of the dates are mentioned below.
    • Skills Assessor Date: This checks whether you are skilled enough to claim the skill employment points. The skill assessment outcomes letters mention the date for the Australian Computer Society Skills Assessment or Vetassess Skills Assessment.
    • Qualifying Study Completion Date: You can claim skilled employment after completing the qualifying study only if the skill assessor date is not mentioned.
  4. Not providing enough evidence of eligibility:  You should provide enough evidence to prove your eligibility to claim all points in EOI.
  5. Employment Authenticity under Pathway 1: If your NSW visa application does not meet the authenticity criteria of employment requisites, your application will most likely be rejected.


*Looking for assistance with Australia Immigration? Talk to Y-Axis, world's No. 1 overseas Immigration company for end-to-end support. 


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Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa

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Skilled Work Regional visa

subclass 491

NSW Visa

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