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Posted on March 02 2022

Credentials assessment and its importance when you migrate to Canada

By  Editor
Updated July 25 2023

Are you aware of the re-credentialing process to help you migrate to Canada for work? If you’re not here’s what it is.

When you get ready to migrate to another country to pursue a career, you expect to work in a profession or trade commensurate to your educational qualifications. However, when you are up for migration to a country like Canada, your credentials get assessed. The Canadian authorities ensure that your credentials match Canadian standards.

This step of assessment will decide your eligibility to enter Canada. So, it’s fair on your part you want to learn if your qualifications and credentials are enough to migrate to Canada. Knowing this early can help you upgrade yourself and your qualifications. The process of re-credentialing in Canada helps you meet the level of qualifications and abilities that your employers in Canada expect from you before starting to work. For this, you may have to get more educated or trained in Canada before entering the job functions.

Credentials assessment to study in Canada

Canada’s DLIs (Designated Learning Institution) set their own standards as to how their current foreign credentials hold up against the requirements of a specific study program. Many of the post-secondary institutions in Canada assess your credentials. In other cases, the ECA (Educational Credentials Assessment) system of Canada may do this for you.

So, in case you hate surprises, you would want to approach an admissions office of the educational institution you are applying for to confirm if they accept your current foreign credentials.

A little more about ECA

ECA is the evaluation of your educational credentials that will be used to decide your eligibility and chances for Canada immigration. With an ECA, you can also prove to your potential employer that you are qualified by Canadian standards to join the job you are offered.

The assessment is done by looking at your diploma certificate, degree, or work experience to evaluate whether it’s equivalent to a Canadian credential. Those who have multiple degrees generally are required to only get an assessment for your highest level of education. However, getting all your credentials assessed could fetch you more points when you apply for Canada immigration.

About assessment of regulated professions, occupations, and trades

To enter a skilled profession or trade in Canadian provinces/territories, it will be necessary for you to get certified by the provincial/territorial body in the jurisdiction you are going to move to. Not every profession/trade is assessed in all provinces/territories. So, you have to know about that before you apply.

Another license is often required to work in a specific province/territory even while you have a license already in another province/territory. If you are a professional, you may need an assessment to qualify to work. This could involve a written exam, a test of your language/communication skills, or supervision of work for a certain period.

If you are into a trade, a written exam or apprenticeship work could be required.

Options if you fall short of the requirement

If the assessment of your credentials results in a negative, you will miss the extra points that you could have earned while applying for migration to Canada. However, you have options to get additional education/training or have your abilities assessed in case you aren’t qualified to practice in your trade/profession in Canada right away.

Also, you could explore other Canada immigration paths where your credentials could suffice or won’t affect your chances to migrate to Canada.

How to obtain an ECA

To get an ECA done for your credentials so that you can arrive in Canada to study, work, or immigrate, you must depend on one of the following organizations approved by IRCC. Besides them, there are 2 other specialty organizations meant for specific professions.

Here are those organizations:

Comparative Education Service: University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies

  • World Education Services
  • International Credential Evaluation Service
  • Pharmacists: Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada
  • International Credential Assessment Service of Canada
  • International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS)
  • Physicians: Medical Council of Canada

Once you get assessed, the assessment result stays valid for 5 years. The time taken for assessment can range from a few weeks to many months.

With re-credentialing through ECA, your chances to be approved for Canada immigration improves. It helps you with getting licensed after you arrive in Canada so that you can work in your trade/profession.

Know your eligibility for Canada immigration. Use the Canada points calculator.

If you are looking to Study, Work, Visit, Invest, or Migrate to Canada, talk to Y-Axis, the World’s No.1 immigration & visa company.

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