Orana Regional Authority has announced changes in the requirements and application process for the Subclass 489 Visa sponsorship. These changes will come into effect from 1st June 2019.The Orana RDA (Regional Development Australia) has now introduced an online Expression of Interest (EOI) process. Applicants will need to submit an EOI before submitting a Visa application. The EOI will be used to screen candidates who are willing to live and work in the Orana regional area.
Explicit conditions for Orana Regional NominationFrom June onwards, applications from candidates who have been living and working in Orana for the past 6 months only will be assessed. These applicants should have been working for at least 30 hours a week, as per SBS News.
The applicant should have been working in an occupation classified for the Orana region in the Long, Medium or Short-term Skill Shortage list. An eligible applicant must qualify for either the Subclass 187, 482 or 489 Visa. Aged Care Workers are also eligible to apply.Applicants nominating ANZCO Level 1 Occupations should have Proficient English.
Applicants applying for Orana regional sponsorship in June 2019 should be living and working in Orana for at least 6 months. In order to apply, they will first need to submit an EOI. For further information on the eligibility criteria, they may contact the Skilled Migration Authorities in Orana.
Applicants should not submit an EOI if they do not meet the eligibility criteria. Such EOIs will not be considered and applicants will not be able to get a refund too.
All applicants interested in applying for Orana Regional Sponsorship under NSW Subclass 489 visa should make note of the latest update.
The Orana RDA is a Regional Certifying Body for the Orana region in New South Wales. It offers immigration services as part of the workforce planning and development strategy of this region.
Being an RCB, it assesses the eligibility of applicants for filling in skill gaps in the present labour market. It then nominates these applicants to the NSW Dept. of Industry or the Dept. of Home Affairs.
It plays a key role in assessing the eligibility for the below Australian Visas:
Subclass 489 Skilled Regional Provisional Visa: This evaluates an applicant’s eligibility for State Sponsorship
Subclass 187 Skilled Regional Visa: This visa needs to be sponsored by an employer in Australia. This visa also has regional concessions. The Orana RDS evaluates if a particular applicant caters to the skills which are needed in the region. It also evaluates if their employment terms are on par with other Australian workers.